Konami are showing off PES 2011 at E3. There’s a new trailer that we hope to get later this week, but those lovely PR people have made a press release describing the trailer to you, just in case you’re not able to watch it at all. There’s also talk about a Drag’n’Drop tactical system, which if I knew about soccer, I would probably go into more detail as to why it’s a good thing.
Cue the press release:
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH will show off the breath-taking new animations and player likenesses set to bring its forthcoming PES 2011 title to vivid life as a new gameplay trailer premieres at this year’s E3 Expo in Los Angeles.
PES 2011 is all about freedom of movement, and the new game gives the user total control over their team. The new trailer showcases the sheer level of detail the PES Productions team has included in the new game, with the most realistic inter-player physics around allowing players to use their strength attributes to jostle players off the ball, while the results of over 100 hours of motion-capture sessions is shown as PES 2011’s players effortlessly slip into moves, run off the ball, or close down the opposition. Every aspect of the game’s animation has been reworked, and the result is an amazingly fluid experience.
The new trailer also shows the revolutionary new feint system linking all new tricks and skills together making one-on-one situations key to gameplay and the motion-blur effects used within replays to complement the TV-style presentation prevalent throughout the game, while fans of the South American Copa Libertadores competitions will delights in its inclusion within the new footage. PES 2011 enjoys the most extensive number of gameplay additions, control options, and animations to date – and central to these is an all-new power bar that allows the user to determine the exact strength and placement of passes, shots or throw-ins in the game.
Konami will also use E3 to showcase PES 2011’s new ‘Drag’n’Drop’ tactical system, wherein players can alter the balance or playing style of their side in seconds. The new system gives compete tactical control over every aspect of a performance, even allowing for preset options to play defensively to guard a lead, or to go all-out to consolidate a narrow lead.